Client Investment Partnership

If you’re here because you have a business, a brand identity, or the potential to be an influencer, you should consider a client investment partnership with Universal Admedia to manifest your startup, small business, or personal brand.

Branding is a lot like securing intellectual property — it is the creation of value out of thoughts and ideas.

The client’s brand has an intrinsic worth that becomes extrinsic — commercial — once authorized and developed. An agency’s job is to create, authorize and develop that value. This is why choosing the right agency partner is critical to any brand’s success. There has to be a mutually reinforcing partnership between the agency and the client.

Our client investment partnership is such a relationship. And in every successful relationship there is a flower and a gardener. Our agency’s job is to plant and nurture your business or personal brand. When it blooms, both agency and client have a mutually beneficial interest in its survival.

Our client investment partnership is the advance guard of branding and marketing servicing. In the client investment model, the still far more common practice of client cash billing is replaced. In this new model, our agency and the client establish a mutually reinforcing relationship in which the client is billed up to half of the competitive rate for their branding and marketing services. Our agency is then compensated on the other end by the clients’ opening up their business to their agency’s equity stake and influence in not only their brand, but their company’s revenue as well. 

Of course, most agencies are perfectly capable of creating or shaping a brand and honing a small business into its target market and then sending a bill. They can take you or your business as a client, create an attractive brand profile, and wish you the best when your new brand identity flowers. 

With our client investment partnerships, after your brand blossoms there’s still some gardening to do. Our agency develops your business or personality profile, authorizes your intellectual property, and plants your brand’s identity into its target market — and that’s when the real digging happens: we then activate your brand into the world. By investing equity in your business, agencies like ours allow you to preserve your resources, knowing that the agency has a literal stake in your brand’s success. 

To learn more about a client investment partnership with Universal Admedia, contact us for a discovery consultation .